Overview of Different Units / CCSDP
Clinical Contraception Service Delivery Programme (CCSDP)

Since inception, Clinical Contraception Services were implemented separately through the Voluntary Sterilization Project (VSP), IUD insertion Programme and Norplant Piloting Project up to June 1992 under DGFP. For better implementation, all of these clinical FP programmes/projects were merged together and implemented through a project titled “Family Planning Clinical Services Project (FPCSP)” which was launched from July 1992. With the launching of HPSP from July 1998, all projects were declared closed and relevant projects were brought under the Revenue budget during the period of HPSP (1998-2003). Due to this important as Family Planning is the component of Reproductive Health and Family Planning Clinical Services Project” deals permanent and long term method which play role of increase CPR and decrease TFR. As a revenue program it is rename as the “Clinical Contraception Services Delivery Programme” under HNPSP (2003-2011). in HPNSDP (2011-2016), this programme is continued as “Clinical Contraceptive Services Delivery Programme”.

General Objective:
The main objective of the OP is to reduce Total fertility Rate (TFR) from 2.5 (2010) to 2.0/women by increasing CPR from 61.7 to 72% with 20% share of LAPM in the method-mix and  thereby reducing Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) by 2016.

Specific objectives:
  1. To promote a more effective method-mix CPR with increased share (20%) / proportion of longer acting and permanent family planning methods by performing VSC 2000000, IUD 1800000 and Implant 1800000 within 2016 which help in:
    • Attaining replacement level fertility by 2016 at the earliest and its continuation;
    • Shifting contraceptive use patterns towards more effective longer-acting and permanent methods;

  2. To increase male participation in family planning specially for No-scalpel Vasectomy (NSV);
  3. To provide skill development training of service provider,
  4. To insure quality of care of family planning services through supervision and monitoring by Family Planning Clinical Supervision Team.
  5. To reduce unmet need from 17.6 to 09%.
  6. To reduce discontinuation rate of FP method from 56% to 20%.
  7. To preventing early marriage, spacing of birth with establishing and popularizing the slogan ”দুটি সন্তানের বেশী নয়, একটি হলে ভাল হয়” at the door step level (UH&FWC and community clinic) by the year 2016.
  8. To contribute in decreasing maternal mortality by preventing and spacing birth through LAPM services.
  9. To ensure contraceptive security of LAPM.
  10. Awareness development in the society by NSV & IUD satisfied clients through workshops.
  11. To ensure back-up supportive and humanitarian services by increasing availability of Recanalization services for both Vasectomized and Tubectomized clients who lost their all living children.