November, 2013
Population and FP-MCH Indicators Number / Rates / Ratios
Country Area 1,47,570 sq km (*BP&H Census 2011)
Total Projected Population (on 16 July 2012) 152.51 million (BP&H Census 2011)
Population Density (Per sq. km.) 1015 persons (BP&H Census 2011)
Population Growth Rate 1.37 (BP&H Census 2011)
Sex Ratio (number of males per 100 females) 103.00 (BP&H Census 2011)
Literacy Rate (7 Yrs & above) Both Sex
54.1 (BP&H Census 2011)
49.4 (BP&H Census 2011)
Number of Eligible Couples (Excluding City Corporation) 25.5 million (MIS, July 2011)
Crude Birth Rate - CBR per 1000 population 20.1 (BBS 2010)
Crude Death Rate - CDR per 1000 population 6.1 (BBS 2010)
Total Fertility Rate - TFR per 1000/LB 2.3 (BDHS 2011)
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate – CPR (%) 61.2 per cent (BDHS 2011)
Dropout Rate (%) 35.7 per cent (BDHS 2011)
Unmet Need for Contraception 11.7 per cent (BDHS 2011)
Life Expectancy at Birth Both Sex
65.7 yrs (BBS 2010)
68.3 yrs (BBS 2010)
Maternal Mortality Rate - MMR per 1000/LB 1.94 (BMMS 2010)
Neonatal Mortality Rate (0-30 days) per 1000/LB 32 (BDHS 2011)
Infant Mortality Rate - IMR (0-1yr.) per 1000/LB 43 (BDHS 2011)
Child Mortality Rate (< 5 yrs.) per 1000/LB 53 (BDHS 2011)
EPI Coverage of Children 82.5 per cent (BDHS 2011)
Delivery by Medically Trained Providers 32.0 per cent (BDHS 2011)
Delivery at Health Facilities 29.0 per cent (BDHS 2011)
Children with Stunting (height for age/ < 5) 41.0 per cent (BDHS 2011)
Children with Wasting (weight for height/ < 5) 16.0 per cent (BDHS 2011)
Children with Underweight (weight for age/ < 5) 36.0 per cent (BDHS 2011)